New York Abu Graib "shrine" of financial torture, a new kind of terrorism.
The world is tortured by a very bad financial system, killing millions of human beings. We need to offer a statue and a building of Responsability, to be build a ground zero, representing a normal family ( father and mother with children able to live and raise their children, with less taxes and NOT MORE taxes to cover all the crazy things done by most bankers profiting of an unjust system, please, see below... ).
Trillions of $ for the sharks paid by all taxpayers, exploited by illegal taxes and lies to finance a massive destruction weapon called the new world desorder system.
Stop the Structures of Sins, SS.AIG wading through offshore moneylaundering waters and intelligence sharks
Program Highlights Include:
A working definition of "Offshore;" the links of AIG to the intelligence community; assistance given to AIG's scams by luminaries such as Henry Kissinger and former Secretary of the Treasury Richard Rubin; Clearstream's use of unregistered accounts; the role of the Clearstream network in the Banco Ambrosiano, October Surprise and BCCI scandals; the role of the Clearstream network in the financing of Al Qaeda and 9/11; the role of the Clearstream network in the machinations of the Russian criminal networks of Mikhail Khordokovsky; discussion of the "Bermuda Inversion" gambit; discussion of "Transfer Pricing;" discussion of an organization formed by Lucy Komisar that is working to eliminate corporate tax evasion through the use of "offshore."
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Posted by Peacedream at 1:34 PM
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An example of banking philosophy |
Kennedy was against secret societies.
"The presidential office has been used to establish a conspiracy to destroy the freedom of the American people, and before leaving this office, I must inform the citizens of this critical condition."
Kennedy just 10 days before he was killed. University of Columbia, 12th Nov. 1963.
True reasons of JFK murder.
Sure they are plots, see Kennedy or Ferrayé
Please, click below.
John F. Kennedy Speech. 01:35
Monetary and subprime crisis as bad results
Plus lies about CO2
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Melvin Sickler
How was Johnson ?
Who is behind ?
The History of Banking Control in the United States. A. Pilote
Social Credit in the United States in 1932. A. Pilote
The Federal Reserve debunked (Patman, McFadden)
The corrupt Federal Reserve Corporation. Melvin Sickler
World government, terrorism, microchip
The Bilderberg Club: a secret society of the richest people. Daniel Estulin
A human implanted with microchips, identification cards in the making. M. Sickler
Australia's loss of sovereignty to globalism. Pierre Marchildon
Polish farmers fear liquidation by the European Union
You won't be able to buy nor sell catlle if they are not identified with a chip
The 9-11 attack: a second Pearl Harbor?
Why I am opposed to a One-World Government, by Michael Rivero
On the road to a world government
A history of the New World Order — Part I
A history of the New World Order — Part II
Reflections on the war in Iraq. Alain Pilote
Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on Freemasonry
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La femme est, comme toujours, l'avenir de l'homme, et réciproquement.
Si qua fata sinant...:-) et
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