Partner Event Media Partners This event is free and open to all, but requires prior registration on our site. Feel free to forward this invitation. Hope to see you Tuesday, November 9 @ 18:00 Uni Mail, Geneva. Sincerely, Rezonance October 2010
You are all invited every year.
Social Credit international Congress in Quebec every year beginning Sept with week of study end of Aug
Legal to help you
More to think.
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- Caritas in Veritate: Les Médias nous manipulent
- Contre les risques du prêt usuraire ou du désespoi...
- Caritas in veritatem, les microprojets sont nécess...
- L'Amour dans la Vérité, Allusions au crédit social...
- Caritas in Veritate ou L'Amour dans la Vérité
- Names associated with Social Credit include Charli...
- Caritas in veritate - Charity in truth or Love in...
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