(Reuters) - As much as 1 million times the normal level of methane gas has been found in some regions near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, enough to potentially deplete oxygen and create a dead zone, U.S. scientists said on Tuesday.
Texas A&M University oceanography professor John Kessler, just back from a 10-day research expedition near the BP Plc oil spill in the gulf, says methane gas levels in some areas are "astonishingly high."
Kessler's crew took measurements of both surface and deep water within a 5-mile (8 kilometer) radius of BP's broken wellhead.
"There is an incredible amount of methane in there," Kessler told reporters in a telephone briefing.
In some areas, the crew of 12 scientists found concentrations that were 100,000 times higher than normal.
"We saw them approach a million times above background concentrations" in some areas, Kessler said.
The scientists were looking for signs that the methane gas had depleted levels of oxygen dissolved in the water needed to sustain marine life.
"At some locations, we saw depletions of up to 30 percent of oxygen based on its natural concentration in the waters. At other places, we saw no depletion of oxygen in the waters. We need to determine why that is," he told the briefing.
Methane occurs naturally in sea water, but high concentrations can encourage the growth of microbes that gobble up oxygen needed by marine life.
Kessler said oxygen depletions have not reached a critical level yet, but the oil is still spilling into the Gulf, now at a rate of as much as 60,000 barrels a day, according to U.S. government estimates.
"What is it going to look like two months down the road, six months down the road, two years down the road?" he asked.
Methane, a natural gas, dissolves in seawater and some scientists think measuring methane could give a more accurate picture of the extent of the oil spill.
Kessler said his team has taken those measurements, and is hoping to have an estimate soon.
"Give us about a week and we should have some preliminary numbers on that," he said.
(Editing by Maggie Fox)
Our propositions dated May 25th and al. 2010 are not considered by BP !
(1.5 km) different gaseous and liquid substances, depending on size of
the desired molecules, the smallest (CH4) in the outer layer, the
largest (oil) into the inner layer, the average in the middle layers,
which reduces pressure and suppresses serious pollution by sorting
The inner layers will be closed down (as a cyclist trousers) but not
the outer layers (such as a trouser leg of an elephant trouser), which
will collect all residual leaks from each well by sucking up.
Monday 28 juin 2010
Gulf pollution, improved fast solutions

Answers to your remarks of today
Patent improved below with new ways.
1) Gore Tex pipe, new fast solution to select gazes from semi-liquids and solids.
We produce a long and large pipe in Gore Tex textil or analog, mixed with Kevlar type and reinforced with carbone or analog strong rings and supports, with multilayers Gore Tex to filtrate verticaly or nearly horizontaly in some segments gazes and fluid all along the 1.5 km or more tube.
This large textile or analog tube is firmly fixed to a very big tire half full of led or cement and sent along cables in order that this system is capping fully and largely the well, in such a way that all fluids have to go up along this large pipe, with a succion effect to improve the collection.
2) Source solution :
Patent improved and adapted.
Abstract of WO 9218746 (A1)
A robot for sealing and blocking pipes which are subject to very high
pressure. The robot comprises a counter-pressure device below the main
blocking portion for simultaneously acting on the inner wall, at depth
in the pipe, by expansion caused by a single linear movement of a
tapered shaft in a cylinder having therein a tapered bore; said shaft
having a diameter which is 50 % greater than the difference between the
inner taper diameters of the two ends of the cylinder, which cylinder
has a slot running the full length thereof and is controlled by
hydraulic jacks; a centre pipe allowing oil flow and normalising the
upward pressure during the insertion process; and two pantographs for
centering the system in the well in spite of the very high pressure.
The high pressure in the well helps ensure blocking of the system.
Data supplied from the espacenet database — Worldwide
Mexico deepwater spills, answers to objections.
Following your questions.
Yes, both methods will work.
Especially the second using just the pressure to flatten lead and
steel against the walls by reinforcing on the desired length, leaving
the transition to the new high pressure with safety valves of high
technology. This method is reversible, if desired.
In Switzerland, given the high-head dams and high pressures, we are
used to developing valves resistant to high pressure. They will never
really be closed but will be used to regulate the new system of pipes
with multi-layer textile type goretex mesh that filter the full length
(1.5 km) different gaseous and liquid substances, depending on size of
the desired molecules, the smallest (CH4) in the outer layer, the
largest (oil) into the inner layer, the average in the middle layers,
which reduces pressure and suppresses serious pollution by sorting
The inner layers will be closed down (as a cyclist trousers) but not
the outer layers (such as a trouser leg of an elephant trouser), which
will collect all residual leaks from each well by sucking up.
Parachutes with the same conduits and collectors are always open, most
with perforated domes and cables attached to concrete blocks and
submerged buoys, there will always be one above the other, like a
waterfall in reverse for more security.
Another similar device, but half open annular overhang to the ground,
will be around each well, to collect what falls around.
We believe our solutions to be better, at least better than nuclear
explosions seriously considered, but disastrous and apocalyptic if the
fault grows on the largest known reserves of oil pollution and a
global and systemic problem.
Mexico deepwater spills, swiss solutions.
To BP Directors
Here's our NEW open letter urgent, because our various written
proposals and phones calls of May and June have been rejected without serious analysis.
The nuclear project is not a solution. The evil would be infinitely
worse, the terrible and irreversible breached leaking for years.
Try at least the Swiss solution, it does not cost so much.
Recovery systems and blockage of oil submarines spills.
Armies are able to drop tanks with big parachutes.
We use such parachutes in the first phase, given the urgency drama.
They are dropped above the wells from the air. Once arrived at the
open sea surface, they are kept deployed by elastic poles or any other means a few meters below the water.
Every zenithal hole (top) is equipped with pipes to several layers of
Goretex type material, riveting first emergency phase and led via
submarine or cables fixed on concrete blocks above the wells spilling.
Parachutes are brought into open water and attached to the seabed
(concrete blocks or ground anchors with cables, pulleys or rings) above or
adjacent wells on the run. The flow of oil is recovered by adjusting
the slope of the parachutes, sausage-like tubes filled with air,
attached to parachutes or elastic curved poles.
A part or stretch of parachutes can even stand on the
soil of the sea to raise near 100% of pollution.
The pipes are several layers of fabric, made rigid by braces and
vertical annular tubes of elastic plastic or filled with air as necessary rigidity.
The goretex pipes and parachutes will be calibrated based on the sizes
of the molecules of methane, ethane, propane, butane, hydrogen
sulfide, benzene, methylene chloride and methylene chloride etc and
large molecules of oil, in order to miss the gas but keep the most
toxic and oil, followed by a second phase Velcro.
We are improving.
Given the high gas pressure, these new improved "parachutes" are made
of Kevlar and Goretex, with carbon fiber reinforcement and textile
pipes can be filled with air or plastic elastic poles.
Loads of air are already here, ready to
be triggered. The hole is also equipped at its summit and is
reinforced with Velcro, to avoid leaks in the pipes.
You can superimpose several parachutes on each other to collect all
the leaks, like a waterfall in reverse. Indentations working remotely,
including remote controlled air-filled textile pipes on Velcro,
connections are made on the sides of parachutes to maximize the
harvest. Altitude are remotely controlled according to the currents.
This could even be monitored by cameras, sensors and motors to follow currents and events.
The oil can be sucked to accelerate the process.
The pipes are layered and can be opened or closed all the way like
curtains to several segments, horizontal or vertical, to regulate the
flow and the internal pressure of gas and fluid flow. The pressure of
water is less a problem because the system is open from below.
The various gases highly toxic can be sorted by vertical pipes done as
Russian dolls, by the dimensions of the small holes in the gore-tex coats.
Hydrogen sulphide (rate accepted: 8 ppb = parts per one billion = parts per
billion, measured rate: 1200 ppb), benzene (rate listed: 4 ppb; rates
measured 3000 ppb), and methylene chloride (rate allowed : 61 ppb,
measured rate: 3000-3400 ppb). These gases can kill men inflicting
every sort of damage to blood and heart, and the deformation of babies
before birth. In addition, the last gas (methylene chloride) is
flammable ... so under water harvesting and neutralizing should be
agreed with the chemists.
In case of typhoon, everything is harvested in large containers
underwater a few feet under water to be emptied as soon as weather
Blocking of wells, judo technique, using the HIGH pressure control.
A package of flexible segments directed by pantographs open to
multiple directions of alignment is threaded through the base pipe of
the well. The mounting pressure will bring the device automatically
The pressure effect aligns the train made flexible and steerable in
the axis of the upper directional system.
From the first segment, while the train is fitted in the center of a
rod slightly conical controllable remotely by a hydraulic axis stepper
The central stem taper remotely pushes upward and runs up and depart
the train pipe to the desired depth for maximum strength. The pipe
walls made of pliable but resilient (e.g. hard lead or cast lead ) and / or
stainless-steel slotted for a central segment will therefore be
pressed firmly against the other outer pipe already in place.
On this conical stem growing from the bottom-up, is disposed a
screw-type propeller helicoidal Archimedes screw, which initially
is blocked but let the high pression fluids pass,
Then, when desired by remote control, the big screw is released.
Under the effect of pressure, this will rise by departing along the axis of
cone rotation and will automatically block the well. The walls of
pliable but durable stainless steel or cracked and will definitely
locked and sealed. The extreme pressures require extreme metals.
An open valve connectable to the recovery pipe is among the top of the
train segments. It may help fine-tune the flow and recovery of the
A finer adjustment can be made by remotely controlling the central
conical axis along all segments, as many as necessary to resist to the high pressure
all along the first fixed old pipe already in place.
If the old pipe is horizontal, we need to fix roller bearings on the
perimeter of the first new segment entering and also fix metal rolls on the floor
at the entrance to facilitate the horizontal introduction of the new
train of segments.
Parachutes to collect oil spills
We add a textile goretex type pipe to each vent in the apex of each canopy, goretex to avoid gazes problems and to select them according to molecules sizes.
We can use as many parachutes as it is necessary to collect all pollutions, in a reverse cascade.
Most 80 suspension lines are fixed to anchors or concrete blocks around each leak.
Pioneer Aerospace, South Windsor, Conn., built the parachutes for testing and for flying on the Mars Science Laboratory.
Another huge parachute was formally installed on the re-entry capsule of Shenzhou-VI manned spaceship, ensuring its safe landing on earth.
The parachute was handmade, with 1,900 small pieces of cloth stitched together, and can endure maximum temperatures of 400 Degree Celsius. Its main parachute covers an area of 1,200 square meters.
Copyright: , Lausanne, Switzerland.
Patent pending
Patented. Copyright: , Lausanne, Switzerland.
Patent pending
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