jeudi 5 août 2010

La Californie "en défaut", la fraude mondiale empire.

La banque Lehman Brothers a bénéficié de la complicité du Trésor américain et de la Fed pour masquer ses pertes, en détournant des outils financiers "complexes"...

AIG, Repo, Enron...

Rapport de plus de 2000 pages établissant les faits.

"Les banques américaines maquillent leurs comptes"

Tout le système financier est encore pourri.

Une nouvelle crise arrive car rien de fondamental n'a changé.

Les complices sont achetés par des salaires et des bonus énormes:

avocats/juges/auditeurs/agences de notations/ banques/gouvernements/media/tv. 
Ceux qui croient que les complots n'existent plus, devraient réviser leur aveuglement.

La FED laisse faire et encourage.

Dans quel but ? 

Comme dans tous complots: "Argent et pouvoir".

Mais enfin, nous aurons toujours des incrédules pour croire que nous exagérons...

Avec eux, les conspirateurs peuvent dormir tranquilles. Combien de morts ? Des millions...

What the State Controller Can and Cannot Pay Without an Enacted Budget (August 2010)

State Controller warrant envelope

As the State of California's chief fiscal officer, I have created this new Web page to outline what bills my office can and cannot pay during the month of August 2010 until a State budget is enacted for the 2010-11 fiscal year which began July 1. Please be assured that I will continue to do everything within my authority to continue to provide payments for essential services. I also invite you to read the letter  on this subject that I have written to the Governor and Legislators.

For example, my office will continue to make the following payments:

  • Federally-mandated services such as Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP), and In-Home Support Services.
  • Debt service and other payments required by the State Constitution.
  • Vendor payments for services provided in the 2009-2010 fiscal year.
  • Expenses with ongoing appropriations from the Legislature, including income tax refunds and payments on claims for unclaimed property.
  • Payroll for state employees covered by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

However, a number of constitutional and legal restrictions prevent me from making certain other types of payments without an enacted budget. For example, my office cannot pay:

  • School districts for categorical programs such as special education and remedial summer school, community colleges, local governments and other entities not included in the above parameters.
  • Vendors for services provided after July 1.
  • Salaries and per diem of state elected officials and their appointed staff.

I invite you to view more details of these major categories, and the range of funds involved, as shown in the tables below. We can avoid or reduce additional financial pressure on our schools, community colleges and private businesses that provide state services if a budget is enacted in a timely manner.

Please note the estimated figures on this page will be updated as new information becomes available, or if it becomes necessary to include data for September or later months. Estimates are based upon figures in the Governor's May Budget Revision, Pooled Money Investment Board payment schedules, prior year expenditures, the Governor's budget and proposed budget legislation.  (Information for the month of July can be found on our previously posted July 2010 estimated payments page.)

Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
University of California (Payroll) $12,650 -- August 31
UC (non-Payroll Expenses) $843 $3,373 Various
Community College Payments -- $284,109 August 27
K-12 Monthly Apportionment $3,279,721 -- August 27
K-12 Monthly Apportionment (Categoricals) -- $130,000 August 27
Nutrition -- $35,143 Various
Child Development (Other) -- $82,843 Various
Child Development
(CalWORKS Stage II)
$36,635 -- Various
Child Development (CalWORKS Stage III)
-- $32,781 Various

Payments to Individuals
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Unemployment, Disability and Worker's Compensation $1,780,000 -- Daily
Lottery Winners $66,238 -- Daily
Income Tax Refunds $205,321 -- Daily
Cal-Grants -- $230,596 Various
Unclaimed Property Claims $23,000 -- Various
Worker's Compensation $600,000 -- Various

Trial Courts
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Pay and Benefits (Including Judges) $184,044 -- August 13
Non-Payroll Expenses -- $19,888 Daily

Debt Service
Month of July 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Debt Service $516,216 -- August 2

Payments to Vendors
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Transportation Revolving Fund (Transportation Expenditures) $503,949 $167,983 Daily
Transportation Revolving Fund (Monthly Contract Payments) $267,000 -- August 2
Electric Power Fund $301,557 -- Daily
Other Miscellaneous $328,710 $446,497 Daily

Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Non-Institutional Providers (Including AIDS Drug Assistance Program) $924,982 -- Various
Institutional Providers* $1,346,664 $448,888 Various

*Without a budget, up to $2 billion in State and Federal funds may be paid to Institutional Providers of Medi-Cal Services and Regional Centers for services provided between July 1 and September 1. However, due to the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, hospitals and nursing homes also will be paid without a Budget in 2010.

Social Services
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
(Stage I)
$1,335,999 -- Various
County Administration -- $21,063 August 13
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) $127,969 -- August 13
Other Social Services Programs $136,714 -- August 13
Developmental Services - Regional Centers** -- $266,192 Various
State Payment for SSI / SSP $231,000 -- August 31

**Without a budget, up to $2 billion in State and Federal funds may be paid to Institutional Providers of Medi-Cal Services and Regional Centers for services provided between July 1 and September 1. However, due to the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, hospitals and nursing homes also will be paid without a Budget in 2010.

Local Government
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Vehicle License Fee $11,200 -- August 10
Public Safety Sales Tax $176,240 -- August 27
Sales Tax $680,910 -- August 25
Health and Welfare Realignment $261,807 -- August 27
Highway User Tax $0 -- --

State Employees' Pay and Benefits (including CSU)
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Civil Service Staff (employees and manager)*** $1,822,042 -- Daily / Sept. 1
Appointees and Other Exempt Employees -- $4,508 Daily / Sept. 1
Legislative Employees -- $16,000 Every two weeks
Legislators -- $936 Daily / Sept. 1
Statewide Elected Officials -- $70 Daily / Sept. 1

***Includes impact of furloughs

Retirees (PERS and STRS)
Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category Can Be Paid Cannot Be Paid Scheduled Payment Date
Employer Retirement Benefits (Quarterly) (Paid quarterly - no August payment) -- --
Benefits (Paid quarterly - no August payment) -- --

Month of August 2010 Estimates with No Budget
(Amounts in Thousands)
Category CAN BE PAID CANNOT BE PAID Scheduled Payment Date
TOTALS $15,161,411 $2,190,870 VARIOUS

Chiang estimated he can legally pay $15.16 billion of the state's bills this month, even without a budget.


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