jeudi 24 juin 2010
Mexico deepwater spills, swiss solutions.
To BP Directors
Here's our NEW open letter urgent, because our various written
proposals and phones calls of May and June have been rejected without serious analysis.
The nuclear project is not a solution. The evil would be infinitely
worse, the terrible and irreversible breached leaking for years.
Try at least the Swiss solution, it does not cost so much.
Recovery systems and blockage of oil submarines spills.
Armies are able to drop tanks with big parachutes.
We use such parachutes in the first phase, given the urgency drama.
They are dropped above the wells from the air. Once arrived at the
open sea surface, they are kept deployed by elastic poles or any other means a few meters below the water.
Every zenithal hole (top) is equipped with pipes to several layers of
Goretex type material, riveting first emergency phase and led via
submarine or cables fixed on concrete blocks above the wells spilling.
Parachutes are brought into open water and attached to the seabed
(concrete blocks or ground anchors with cables, pulleys or rings) above or
adjacent wells on the run. The flow of oil is recovered by adjusting
the slope of the parachutes, sausage-like tubes filled with air,
attached to parachutes or elastic curved poles.
A part or stretch of parachutes can even stand on the
soil of the sea to raise near 100% of pollution.
The pipes are several layers of fabric, made rigid by braces and
vertical annular tubes of elastic plastic or filled with air as necessary rigidity.
The goretex pipes and parachutes will be calibrated based on the sizes
of the molecules of methane, ethane, propane, butane, hydrogen
sulfide, benzene, methylene chloride and methylene chloride etc and
large molecules of oil, in order to miss the gas but keep the most
toxic and oil, followed by a second phase Velcro.
We are improving.
Given the high gas pressure, these new improved "parachutes" are made
of Kevlar and Goretex, with carbon fiber reinforcement and textile
pipes can be filled with air or plastic elastic poles.
Loads of air are already here, ready to
be triggered. The hole is also equipped at its summit and is
reinforced with Velcro, to avoid leaks in the pipes.
You can superimpose several parachutes on each other to collect all
the leaks, like a waterfall in reverse. Indentations working remotely,
including remote controlled air-filled textile pipes on Velcro,
connections are made on the sides of parachutes to maximize the
harvest. Altitude are remotely controlled according to the currents.
This could even be monitored by cameras, sensors and motors to follow currents and events.
The oil can be sucked to accelerate the process.
The pipes are layered and can be opened or closed all the way like
curtains to several segments, horizontal or vertical, to regulate the
flow and the internal pressure of gas and fluid flow. The pressure of
water is less a problem because the system is open from below.
The various gases highly toxic can be sorted by vertical pipes done as
Russian dolls, by the dimensions of the small holes in the gore-tex coats.
Hydrogen sulphide (rate accepted: 8 ppb = parts per one billion = parts per
billion, measured rate: 1200 ppb), benzene (rate listed: 4 ppb; rates
measured 3000 ppb), and methylene chloride (rate allowed : 61 ppb,
measured rate: 3000-3400 ppb). These gases can kill men inflicting
every sort of damage to blood and heart, and the deformation of babies
before birth. In addition, the last gas (methylene chloride) is
flammable ... so under water harvesting and neutralizing should be
agreed with the chemists.
In case of typhoon, everything is harvested in large containers
underwater a few feet under water to be emptied as soon as weather
Blocking of wells, judo technique, using the HIGH pressure control.
A package of flexible segments directed by pantographs open to
multiple directions of alignment is threaded through the base pipe of
the well. The mounting pressure will bring the device automatically
The pressure effect aligns the train made flexible and steerable in
the axis of the upper directional system.
From the first segment, while the train is fitted in the center of a
rod slightly conical controllable remotely by a hydraulic axis stepper
The central stem taper remotely pushes upward and runs up and depart
the train pipe to the desired depth for maximum strength. The pipe
walls made of pliable but resilient (e.g. hard lead or cast lead ) and / or
stainless-steel slotted for a central segment will therefore be
pressed firmly against the other outer pipe already in place.
On this conical stem growing from the bottom-up, is disposed a
screw-type propeller helicoidal Archimedes screw, which initially
is blocked but let the high pression fluids pass,
Then, when desired by remote control, the big screw is released.
Under the effect of pressure, this will rise by departing along the axis of
cone rotation and will automatically block the well. The walls of
pliable but durable stainless steel or cracked and will definitely
locked and sealed. The extreme pressures require extreme metals.
An open valve connectable to the recovery pipe is among the top of the
train segments. It may help fine-tune the flow and recovery of the
A finer adjustment can be made by remotely controlling the central
conical axis along all segments, as many as necessary to resist to the high pressure
all along the first fixed old pipe already in place.
If the old pipe is horizontal, we need to fix roller bearings on the
perimeter of the first new segment entering and also fix metal rolls on the floor
at the entrance to facilitate the horizontal introduction of the new
train of segments.
Copyright: , Lausanne, Switzerland.
Patent pending
More Facts:
You ask questions about what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico near
the U.S. coast?
You're not alone.
We investigated.
They hide the truth!
... These 'leaks' of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. This is not a leak,
it's a disaster.
According to Pastor Lindsey Williams of the USA (see video DailyMotion
referenced at the end of the article), who interviewed several sources
within BP, operator of the platform that capsized in the Gulf of
Mexico, this is a well drilling at great depths. Already the Russians
began their drilling program SG3 from 1970, digging some 12,000 m
deep, but on earth. Today they run some 310 oil wells of this type,
since 2009 the Russian firm Yukos has exceeded the production of Saudi
Arabia, becoming the largest supplier of oil in the world. It is an
oil 'abiotic', that is to say that does not come from the biological
field, but is the result of a chemical process occurring within the
earth, with reservations virtually unlimited reserves of Saudi Arabia,
Africa and Mexico being 'fed' by the very deep layer of oil similar in
shape to a huge batholith, actually a kind of huge subterranean sea
similar to the groundwater. The Russians were careful enough to begin
drilling on the land, not by sea as recently oil group BP's Gulf of
Mexico, where security conditions are much harder to the pressures
encountered in these very deep reservations. BP casting platform in
the Gulf of Mexico was in deep sea of 1600 m, and drilling was below
10,000 m! The drilling of oil normally encounters pressures around 100
bar. But here in the Gulf of Mexico, we speak - but the figures are
never published until now – of pressures ranging from 1400 bar to 4800
bar. By comparison car tires have a pressure of 2.4 bar, 6.9 bar
trucks. No safety valve resists such pressures, and that's exactly
what happened in the Gulf of Mexico. It dropped, and an explosion
occurred that blew all instrumentation BP submarine, burned the
platform at sea and eventually overwhelms the entire facility.
According to inside information, BP had noticed the malfunction of the
safety valve, but would not stop operating under the pretext: "we have
no time, there continues!". Then it was fire, explosion and exhaust
underwater oil. At first we talked about a few hundred thousand liters
per day, now we're 14 million gallons per day (also hidden)! In
addition, the subsea pipeline - under tremendous pressure released by
the safety valve exploded - is cracked in several places, approaching
oil spills up to 12 km away from the American side, according to the
NOA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Athmospheric ).
Now the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) started talking
about gas escaping along with oil, and that their impact could be more
disastrous than those of oil. This highly toxic gas hydrogen sulphide
(rate accepted: 8 ppb = parts per one billion = parts per billion,
measured rate: 1200 ppb), benzene (rate listed: 4 ppb; rates measured
3000 ppb) and methylene chloride (admission rate: 61 ppb; rate
measured: 3000-3400 ppb). These gases may cause death of men by any
kind of damage, including blood and heart, and deformation of babies
before birth. In addition, the latter gas (methylene chloride) is
flammable ... These clouds are present to Louisiana, Mississippi and
so on. And no one fails to prevent the population, nor Obama, nor any
member or governor or mayor. The hurricane may bring less now a major
disaster by transporting these massive clouds of gas to the coast, and
even the east coast of the United States. The worst part is that now
discussing with BP, as the ultimate solution, a nuclear explosion
close to the source of less controllable by any other means. Nuclear
power could well block the channel for oil in the best cases, but it
could also open a huge crater directly linking this batholithic oil
into the sea in the Gulf, with incalculable consequences ... Of
course, we checked the source this information, the Reverend Lindsey
Williams, and she seemed reliable. He is chaplain for 25 years with
the oil community, including Canada, and has excellent informants in
this environment. His books - often prophetic - are serious and have
not been contradicted by the facts. It was then that we talk about
these things, anxiously awaiting more. God told Noah he would not
destroy the world by water, but it could well allow the world to
destroy itself, by stupidity, if greed and pride of men.
from = embed #? start = 2 ).
USA (ru, June 23, 2010): Our new UK are not here to scare anyone, but
when there are serious realities that are intentionally obscured by
the secret powers, if there are no Christians for crying out loud
these truths, who says? This is the truth that will set us free.
Without it, no human action has no sound basis.
Riki Ott confirms certain about Lindsey Williams. People are already
beginning to be sick. . ..
This is an internal document released to the BP group on Sunday who
set fire to the powder. It shows that the amount of oil leaking from
damaged wells in the Gulf of Mexico could eventually reach 100,000
barrels per day.
! Black Tide Gulf Of Mexico: BP Cache Proofs!
Riki Ott confirms certain about Lindsey Williams (see )
The workers, divers and surfers are already scheduled to be sick.
We hope that this new message will finally reach you. We are at your disposal for any question. Please, tell us all the facts, we will find a good solution.
We present to you, your family and your staff, Mr. President, our respectful greetings.
Yes, we can do it.
Francis von Siebenthal
'Leakage' of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The facts, the non-nuclear solutions.
Recovery systems and blockage of oil submarines Deepwater.
As souvenir:
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