mercredi 26 mai 2010

Invitation Congress for Life, ROME 5. - of October 2010

V. World-Prayer-Congress for Life in the Eternal City ROME  5. - of October 2010

Next step ? Gender-Mainstreaming and Homosexualization ?

In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II writes:

"Filled with this certainty, and moved by profound concern for the destiny of every man and woman, I repeat what I said to those families who carry out their challenging mission amid so many difficulties: a great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world."

The organizers of the annual "Congress of World Prayer for Life", are pleased to announce that this year's program will take place in the Eternal City Rome, Italy on October 5th – 10th, 2010.  

Inspiring talks by renowned speakers, who have a heartfelt desire to promote the protection and dignity of human life, will help participants learn from an abundance of up-to-date information, practical experience and wisdom.  Holy Mass will be celebrated daily in reparation for the sins against life, especially abortion. Eucharistic Adoration and prayer will also be highlighted in this congress.   

You are cordially invited to participate in this Congress for Life !

Congress-Program Download (PDF):                    (daily Hl. Mass also in the Extraordinary Rite!)  



Tuesday, October 5th, 2010
In principio

H. E. Cardinal Ennio Antonelli: "Jesus Christ: 'The Author of Life' (Acts 3:15)"

Holy Mass with H. E. Cardinal Ennio Antonelli

19:30 Dinner 

20:30 Manfred M. Müller: "A great prayer for life is urgently needed" (Evangelium vitae 100):
              Introduction to the spiritual perspective of the World-Prayer-Congresses for Life.


          Organizational information to follow.

21:10 1st Meeting of Pro-Life-Leaders

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

07:30 Breakfast

09:00 Msgr. Philip J. Reilly: "Christian Humanism vs. Inhumane Humanism"

Coffee Break

 H. E. Auxililiary Bishop Andreas Laun"Evangelium vitae"

12:00  Angelus Prayer

13:00 Lunch 

 14:00  H.E. Bishop DDr. Klaus Küng: "Donum Vitae and Dignitas Personae"

 15:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 John-Henry Westen: "Communicating the Church's Truth on Sexuality in a Hostile Culture"

17:00 Dr. Prader: "NER as the Way for Martial Fidelity and Fullfilment"

 18:00 Holy Mass with Familiy-Bishop DDr. Klaus Küng 


21:00  Information on the Sight-Seeing-Tours on Sat./Sun. afternoon:

21:00 Msgr. DDr. Ignacio Barreiro:Rome, the City of Churches and Saints"

  21:30 N.N – „Rome, the City of Sights"     

Thursday, October 7th, 2010 – Feast of the Holy Rosary
Lux in tenebris

07:30 Breakfast

09:00 Msgr. Philip J. Reilly: "Under the Protection of the Virgin Mary - 20 Years 'Helpers of Gods Precious Infants' "

10:00 Joseph Charles Akpan: "Spiritual Warfare - Implementing the Helpers Apostolate in Nigeria, Africa."                            

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Dr. Wanda Półtawska: " 'Totus Tuus' - the Apostolic Motto of Pope John Paul II., the Apostle of Life"     

12:00  Angelus Prayer

12:10  Dr. Antoni Zieba: "World Prayer of Life and the Polish way of stopping the abortion"

13:00 Lunch  

14:00 Dr. Rudolf Ehmann: "Global Contraception: Global Devastation"

14:30 Msgr. DDr. Ignacio Barreiro:  "The Abuse of Language: Reinterpretation, Manipulation, Verbal Tricks"

15:00 Austin Ruse:  "The International Attack on the Family and the Divine order in Creation:
                                   Gender-Mainstreaming and Homosexualization"

15:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Coffee Break

16:15 Raymond de Souza: "De-Christianization and Catholic Counter-Revolution"

 H. E. Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera:  "Eucharistic Adoration and Pro-Life Work"

18:00 Holy Mass with Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera

(Candelite Procession to the Lordes Grotto)

20:00 Dinner 

Friday, October 8th, 2010
Verbum caro factum est

            Fri. & Sat. Talks in the Augustinianum under the colonades of St. Peter/Rom  

07:00 Breakfast   

8:00 Bus Transfer to Rome Augustianum/St.Peter 

S y m p o s i u m  with  the  T o p i c   "A b o r t i o n  and   H e a l i n g"
together with
FIAMC (Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales Catholiques)

09:00 Dr. Tamás Csáky-Pallavicini: "The Doctor: Guardian of Life, rather than Technician of Death"

09:30 Dr. Robert Walley: "Women and Men after Abortion: The secret Suffering.
                    Experiences in the Perspective of a Christian Physician"

10:00 Anne Lastman: "The tabued Connection: Abortion and Sexual Abuse"

10:30 Break

11:00 Victoria Thorn: " 'That they may have life, and have it abundantly' (Joh 10:10): Project Rachel"

11:30 Dr. Ermanno Pavesi: "Christus patiens, Christus medicus"

12:00  Angelus Prayer

H. E. Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski: "Salvifici doloris: Uniting our Suffering
          with the Cross of Christ cleares the Way for the Graces of Conversion of Hearts –

          Reflections to prepare us for the Mass of Reparation in the afternoon."

13:00 Small Lunch

14:15 Crypt of St. Peter's Basilica: Prayer at the Tomb of the late Pope John Paul II.
H. E. Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski and Dr. Wanda Półtawska

Mass of Reparation with Cardinal Angelo Comastri in St. Peter's Basilica                    

Includes Handing-Over Ceremony, whereby representatives of the nations bring the guilt
and debt of their countries, particularly regarding sins against life (abortion, research using
embryos, IVF, euthanasia, etc.) and vicariously place them at the Foot of the Cross:

"Ecce Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi"

19:00 Bus Transfer back from Rome/Augustianum to the Domus Fraterna
 (Departure in front of Audience Hall of Paul VI.)

20:00 Dinner 

21:00 – 22:00: Meeting with the Post-Abortion Experts:
                        Anne Lastman, Dr. Pokropp-Hippen, Dr. Wanda Poltawska and Victoria Thorn
                        will answer questions.
Impulse by Dr. Pokropp-Hippen Healing of the Wounds of
                        Abortion through prayer to Our Lady of the Perpetual Help

At the same time: 2nd Meeting of Pro-Life-Leaders

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

            Friday & Saturday Talks in the Augustinianum under the colonades of St. Peter/Rom

07:00 Breakfast   

08:00 Bus Transfer to Rome Basilika Santa Maria Maggiore                         

09:00 Holy Mass with H. E. Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke

10:30 Bus Transfer to the Augustinianum/St.Peter 

                        11:00 H. E. Archbishop Burke: "Catholic Orthodoxie as an Antidote to the Culture of Death"

12:00 Angelus Prayer

12:15 Johanna Countess of Westphalen: "Nec laudibus, nec timore:
ardinal von Galen as Model in the Battle for Life"

12:45  Fr. Thomas Euteneuer: Laudatio for this year's Awardee of the Cardinal Galen Award

Award Ceremony of the Cardinal Galen Award by H. E. Archbishop Burke to Msgr. Philipp REILLY

13:00 Lunch-Buffet


A f t e r n o o n - P r o g r a m :

15:00 –19:00  Rome-Sightseeing-Tour

(in different Language- and Interest-Groups; private and guided Tours possible)



15:00 - 18:30 PAS-Workshop with the Post-Abortion Experts

         Anne Lastman, Dr. Pokropp-Hippen, Dr. Wanda Poltawska and Victoria Thorn.

                                    Please register here for the PAS-Workshop!

Bus Transfer back from Rome/Augustianum to the Domus Fraterna

(Departure in front of Audience Hall of Paul VI.)


  20:00 Dinner  

(Together we celebrate LIFE – through Gifts, Pictures, Videoclips, Testimonies and Storys, we will -  as one great Pro-Life-Family - participate in the precious LIFE of members of different continents and countries)

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

07:30 Breakfast

09:00 Msgr. Philip J. Reilly: " 'The Light Shines in the Darkness' (John 1:5) - TODAY"

10:00 Prof. Dr. Alma von Stockhausen:"'Wake Up, Man! God Became Man for You' (St. Augustine):
                                                                    The Greatness of Humanity in the Christian Perspective"

High Mass celebrated by H. E. Bishop Jean Laffitte

13:00 Lunch

In the afternoon possibility for sightseeing / transfer to the airport etc.
(Busses from Domus Fraterna will be oranized.)
Optional: strategy-meeting with different associations.


Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary and Opportunity for Confession are part of the daily Congress Program.

Daily Holy Mass also in the Extraordinary Rite:

daily at 7:00 a.m.

Fr. and Sat. at 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday evening at 10:00 p.m.


Accommodations for congress participants are available at the Official Congress Lodging and Location-Place Fraterna Domus, Rome.

The Organizers:

• HLI Österreich / Human Life International

Helpers of God's Precious Infants

• World Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC)

World-Prayer For Life 

• Fatima World Apostolate

• La Salette Professional Education Center, LASPEC

Europäische Ärzteaktion

Stiftung Ja zum Leben International

Congress Office:

Human Life International - Austria

Große Sperlgasse 33/EG
A-1020 Vienna

Tel: 0043-1-218 20 33 Fax+ 15,

Contact person: Mag. Dietmar Fischer, DI Matthias Rueß

Responsible for:

Questions regarding Program / Speakers: Diakon MMag. Manfred M. Müller


Main-Coordination: Mag. Dietmar Fischer


International Contacts & PR: MMag. Joannes J. Bucher

HLI-Office in Rome: 

HLI office for Vatican City
and Italy:

Rev. Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro - Executive Director
Vita Umana Internazionale, Piazzale Gregorio VII - Number 22, Apartment
00165 – Roma, ITALY            Telephone: 39-06-39-37-89-85


P. Tom Euteneuer [President of Human Life International]
Msgr. Philip J. Reilly [Founder of
Helpers of God's Precious Infants] Tamas Caky-Pallavicini [FIAMC]
Dr.Ing. Antoni Zieba The World Prayer for Life Bernhard Gappmaier President of "Europäischen Ärzteaktion"
Marianne CanoLa Salette Professional Education Center 
Pius Stössel
[President of „Ja zum Leben"]

Avec mes meilleures salutations et voeux pour de belles fêtes de Pentecôte.

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