jeudi 25 février 2010

Ferraye folders in the World Trade Center number 7, the third collapsed tower Salomon never hit by any plane: Explosive news

  Ferraye folders destroyed in the World Trade Center number 7, the third collapsed tower Salomon never hit by any plane:

Explosive News

By Jennifer Harper

February 24, 2010 "Washington Times" -- A lingering technical question about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks still haunts some, and it has political implications: How did 200,000 tons of steel disintegrate and drop in 11 seconds? A thousand architects and engineers want to know, and are calling on Congress to order a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at the World Trade Center.

"In order to bring down this kind of mass in such a short period of time, the material must have been artificially, exploded outwards," says Richard Gage, a San Francisco architect and founder of the nonprofit Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Mr. Gage, who is a member of the American Institute of Architects, managed to persuade more than 1,000 of his peers to sign a new petition requesting a formal inquiry.

"The official Federal Emergency Management [Agency] and National Institute of Standards and Technology reports provide insufficient, contradictory and fraudulent accounts of the circumstances of the towers' destruction. We are therefore calling for a grand jury investigation of NIST officials," Mr. Gage adds.

The technical issues surrounding the collapse of the towers has prompted years of debate, rebuttal and ridicule.

He is particularly disturbed by Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, which was not hit by an aircraft, yet came down in "pure free-fall acceleration." He also says that more than 100 first-responders reported explosions and flashes as the towers were falling and cited evidence of "multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally 600 ft. at 60 mph" and the "mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking."

There is also evidence of "advanced explosive nano-thermitic composite material found in the World Trade Center dust," Mr. Gage says. The group's petition at www. is already on its way to members of Congress.

"Government officials will be notified that 'Misprision of Treason,' U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382), is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act," Mr. Gage says. "The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial."



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 EXPLOSIVE NEWS   : Information Clearing House -  ICH

Charles Sullivan
There is no doubt in my mind that 9/11 was an inside job. The day I watched those buildings fall, I told my wife that I am thinking the unthinkable. Unfortunately, most people have a self-imposed psychological block that will not allow them to wrap their brain around such ideas, no matter how persuasive the evidence. To do so would turn their ideology on its head and alter their perceptions about their country. We must stop naively thinking that we live in a democracy, and that those elected to high political office are actually public servants. Think more along the lives of a profit seeking criminal cabal. To them, people are nothing more than commodities that are expendable, like chattel slaves. These fools believe they own us and that the world is their oyster.  
I have heard Richard Gage speak (Guns and Butter) and the evidence he presents is not only credible; it is persuasive. By contrast, the government's version of those events are a fairly tale of gargantuan proportions, a fabrication. Truth always matters.
Today, 13:46:31
The truth can be contained, for  a time...but just like a rusty old bucket, it starts to leak just before the bottom falls out.  
Today, 13:58:48
Wouldn't it be funny if the Chinese kept a few of those diagonally clipped steel beams intact, for further  denouement, when it's most inconvenient for America?
Today, 09:59:33
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Little known is the fact that Flight 175 was PROVEN to be not the airplane stated. By mainstream media no less, though not in the US.  
There is a story that goes back to 2003 when journalists DID do a real investigation with real scientists and proved 100% (scientists don't usually prove things 100%, it is usually 99.9, this is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) that the airplane could not have been the passenger jet it was supposed to be. It was a different plane (remote-controlled?).  
Read on  
One day the truth will out. These utterly evil people will see their ridiculous fairy tales ridiculed as well they should be, but more than that: traitors and murderers should see justice and the hangman's noose.  
(or the electric chair, or the firing squad or ...)
Today, 09:36:58
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Dan Hopkins
Hi Terry: first Thankyou, I have been arguing this since it happened, people Have actually Told me i was un patriotic For even thinking such things. i guess it never occured to them That We who question  the destruction of our country Love it very much.Apparently much more than those who have their heads in the sand or in their Corporate gods butts,I would love to Chat more with you and others who have signed the petition.I am so sick of talking with people like dylan,They are so bushyite,Black is white that they are not worth talking to.... They may someday discover  they helped create hell on earth through Denile. I have just joined this site so i am not sure of it's policy on emails. possibly you could give.The administration info on where i may contact you... Thanks Again*** Dan
Today, 09:24:12
Jairo Rodríguez
people are saying that JAS attack on the IRS building was staged too... anyone know why are they sayng this?
Today, 09:09:55
Another thing, who authorized the removal of all the steel, from a crime scene? And why did the trucks have GPS trackers on them? And, why send it to China to melt it down, we have the facilities right here. And why did the CEO of NIST resign the day after their mockup failed to collapse?
Today, 09:00:42
I'm not even an engineer, and, just by applying common sense, like, the idiots that wrote the ommission report, said "the weight of the plane" caused the collapse, okay, when the buildings were half way collapsed, all the weight of the upper floors was gone, so why did the lower floors keep going. Also, why did the collapse begin at the very top, not at the impact site, or below? Another thought that bugs me is, why dod the secret service let bush sit there, in that class room, for 31 minutes, after telling him we were being attacked, how did they know a plane wasn't headed their way? The whole story stinks from the beginning to the end
Today, 08:57:08
Reminds me of the scene from the movie God Father..remember Don Corlene was in church the whole time his goons were murdering all his mafia opponents.A perfect thinks.
Today, 09:12:55
I am one of the engineers that signed the petition. Any questions?
Today, 08:10:49
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Bill Johnson
Jairo Rodríguez
people are saying the JAS attack on the IRS building might have been fake too, what do you say about that?  
on the 9/11 issue... people keep saying things like, well, it was a lot of fuel, a lot of heat so temperature rised up like hell, so metal just melted and or "vaporized" which only says how ignorant people is about chemistry or physics...  
the simplest way i see it is when boiling a pot of water. no matter how long is it on fire, the temperature of the water will remain 100°C until it boils completely, so no matter how long the fuel might have burned, temperature only reaches a certain point
Today, 09:09:14
A few questions:  
1. When did you begin to doubt the official 9/11? On Day 1 or a few days, a few weeks later, or perhaps years after? What element triggered this first doubt?Was it video of the actual events, without anybody else's explanation, or did a book, or a comment?  
2. In your opinion, what is the main reason that could explain that relatively few engineers, not tens of thousands, have signed this petition? Is it fear of professional consequences or just disbelief of the alternative, conspirational theories? Perhaps the petition itself is not well known enough, or perhaps engineers do not believe in petitions?  
3. What number of signatures should suffice to force the public to seriously reconsider what happened on 9/11?  
4. Could a miniature replica of any of the buildings that fell on 9/11 be built so that an experiment could convince more people that burning kerosene can't take down a steel frame, or that a construction hit by a mobile does not disintegrate as it crumbles as the WTC did?
Today, 12:02:27
A few questions:  
1. When did you begin to doubt the official 9/11? On Day 1 or a few days, a few weeks later, or perhaps years after? What element triggered this first doubt?Was it video of the actual events, without anybody else's explanation, or did a book, or a comment?  
2. In your opinion, what is the main reason that could explain that relatively few engineers, not tens of thousands, have signed this petition? Is it fear of professional consequences or just disbelief of the alternative, conspirational theories? Perhaps the petition itself is not well known enough, or perhaps engineers do not believe in petitions?  
3. What number of signatures should suffice to force the public to seriously reconsider what happened on 9/11?  
4. Could a miniature replica of any of the buildings that fell on 9/11 be built so that an experiment could convince more people that burning kerosene can't take down a steel frame, or that a construction hit by a mobile does not disintegrate as it crumbles as the WTC did?
Today, 12:03:35
Kurt O
This is pleasing to see.  It's high time we get much more bold in demanding answers about 9-11.  Those who have been willfully selling the official fairytale should be repeatedly called out and shown for the lying shills that they are. 
The more lame the government's response, the more people will want answers, and the truth movement will continue to grow as the demand for a new and REAL investigation gathers steam.
Today, 07:53:25
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Bill Johnson
Dan Hopkins
My Congradulations to These Engineers,And to Those of you Who have finally came to the reality that The 911 was an inside job. I have been in construction most of my life,And as i watched building 7 go down I was at first amazed and Within an hour of watching the total destruction of these buildings  " I KNEW" this was an inside job.! .I even stated it thus to the people around me.Many of them were as dunder headed as This Dylan,He is about as informed About Reality as Sara Palen,To think Our Government and The Corporate Giants Wouldn't stoop to such things,You couldn't convince them that fish need water to swim in If their conservative Corporate gods and their religious leaders  told them that it is just an illusion . fish really swim in granite.Just for the heck of it Look at the 2 months Before 911 Stock trades and then follow those trades right up to that fateful morning of 911, See who purchased and who sold, Then look at the realestate transactions leading up to that day .Then look at Insurance purchases just prior to that day..You might even try looking up transactions of the explosive materials used,You would most likely have to research that for the prior year. By following the trails You can see who was involved and how much would be gained.But that was a by product of the inside job, There had to be A massive catalist to Get all of America to give bush and chaney And the War mongers Full power, This Administration used senerios that had been previously used.Only this time they They wanted to make absolutly sure every thing went totally down so they put way more explosives in than they needed,And this last sentence is for those dunderheads, If your love ones were victoms of this Horrible tragidy Would you still say No my Congress  and senate members and My corporate gods said Thats what happened So I have to accept that as truth And Take the money they throw at your greedy mindless bodies and say my government has really helped me .I have no more grief for my so called loved ones,They died for their country!!! Wake up you dam fools And see it for what it Really was. Our government sold our asses down the river Once again.... 
Today, 07:05:44
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Alien Observer
Bill Johnson
BP Storm
Ok.  So who is the man in the 2nd video below?  By the way Columbus didn't "discover" America either.  Time to clean up all the lies.
Today, 06:05:57
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gord k.
Bill Johnson
His last name is Bauer and is very involved in Zionist projects and government enterprizes from what I remember of the video that did an investigation on and exposed him. I can't remember exactly which video it was but I shall try and find it and post it.  It may have been Missing Pieces which is a good video of 911 inside job in itself.
Today, 08:40:06
Bill Johnson
So far I've been unable to find the rundown on Jerome Bauer which may be slightly mis-spelled, but will keep checking and post it if possible when I find it. Its not impossible the original was removed as many critical and accurate video's have been. Though its sure to be on someone's video copied from the internet.
Today, 11:17:14
Also intricately related to this fine article: 
Information Clearing House is one of our last links to truth, and deserves appropriate financial support. Please support truth....
Today, 05:27:40
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gord k.
Good to see more truth on the false flag event that has essentially furthered the controlled demolition of the USA. 
For more information on this crucial topic, please see:
Today, 05:07:37
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gord k.
Dr. Richard Duff
WE already DO know - that it had to be an inside job. To assert that "we will probably never know" is possibly true only in the small particlulars. We know what was done. We know who it benefited. We know more than enough for true government (not the U.S. Corporation) de jure grand jury investigations. And they are coming.
Today, 04:17:01
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Bill Johnson
Alien Observer
Forest N
gord k.
Et 3 de plus
To: All,  
This is a must read:  
Read, Learn and Get Down to the Task now...  
By Washington's Blog  
Stop preaching to the choir!  
Start reaching a larger audience!  
The people you talk with and the websites which publish what you write might think you're great, but the vast majority of people out there aren't hearing it.  
You're Reaching a Very Small Audience  
Communications experts like George Lakoff (who I recently interviewed) and Frank Luntz say that most people don't make political decisions based on fact and logic. Instead, they make decisions based on their ideas of morality and pre-existing "frames" of reference.  
So if you are just reciting facts, you are not going to persuade anyone except the minority of people who reason and make decisions based on logic. (You may say "but all of the websites I read and people I talk to make decisions based on logic". Okay, but that only means that you don't read the overwhelming majority of websites or talk to the overwhelming majority of people who make decisions based on other factors. See this and this).  
Associating an issue or person with an emotion is called "anchoring".  
Full article here:
Today, 03:51:30
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gord k.
9/11 is a God Damn inside job and one day it will proven..!
Today, 03:41:31
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gord k.
Bill Johnson
It's already been proven, one merely needs to critically look at the real evidence provided by the real experts. At;   There is no other plausible scientific alternative explanation. Only a detailed official objective investigation into exactly who, how and why and who gained as a result of their criminal conspiracy collusion.
Today, 04:40:30
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Forest N
gord k.
Bill Johnson
Exploding WTC North Tower, what more evidence is needed? Also who was the plant that started the preplanned excuse of fire as cover for collapses that was the first to come out of the blue?  Time for a real non-violent revolution HERE!  More at  
Today, 03:41:13
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Alien Observer
Forest N
gord k.
Harvey Reading
As far as what really happened, we will probably never know ... I suspect any real evidence was hauled away ASAP by the government.  I do applaud the engineers and architects, as well as police and other emergency personnel, who continue to question and demand answers.  Like the Kennedy murder, seems unlikely to me that any unquestioned resolution will be forthcoming.  As for me, my first suspicion, as soon as I heard what happened (I first misunderstood and thought that WTO HQ had been blown up, but alas, not the case), was that 1) either the government was directly involved or 2) the government was indirectly involved by failing to take action.  Either way, Cheney and crowd still walk the streets free men.
Today, 03:26:23
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gord k.
Hope springs eternal . . . once it even elected a president.
Today, 03:17:39
can you elaborate a little? 
In a forum you should make yourself understood, and make your comment useful. Otherwise you're wasting our time and diverting atttention, axactly the same way as those who for no logical reason are merely mentioning different links the the SAME article we're reading.
Today, 13:16:54
You would have to be completely insane and just plain stupid to actually believe the nonsense that was fed to us by our government under the Bush Administration concerning the Twin Towers and Bldg. 7.  This is the very reason why we are under such blatant attacks from these corporations.  This is the very reason why five supreme court justices just blatantly sold America out and are not afraid of any ramifications whatsoever.  It is because many Americans are scared of their own government and many are just controlled robots.  I am not an engineer nor am I a scientist but I do have much more than a modicum of common sense which is what Mr. Dylan seems to lack.  America is in for some very big changes and those 1000 brave souls who are challenging the feces we were fed concerning the murder of close to 3000 innocent lives in NYC on 9/11/01 is just the beginning.  Watch the snowball effect this will have on these sorry politicians including our president who "does not want to look into what has happened in the past but, concentrate on our future."   Furthermore, a call for a new investigation will cause a snowball effect so huge that no one that was involved will be able to avoid getting run over by it.  I knew this challenge was coming and I thank the Creator that now it is here.  And as far as our president not wanting to look ino the past, If those perps are allowed to get away with all of the crimes they've committed there is no future for America.   
Today, 02:34:01
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Alien Observer
Bill Johnson
Forest N
gord k.
Et 4 de plus
tee hee. Thank you Gee. Lets all look at something that, once again, happenned to the US. In fact lets start journals, web sites and cults over it. Meanwhile do you know how many kids were killed by US forces yesterday?
Today, 02:53:21
Bill Johnson
Dylan, to answer your question. Yes!  Far too many foreign and domestic. Innocent adults as well. Needlessly slaughtered, maimed and driven to home-less starvation by the armed goons employed by the US, Canada UK and Nato to Profit the parasitic, psychopath Capitalist Class. Solution Revolution!
Today, 04:55:58


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