vendredi 16 octobre 2009

Vaccine caused death and injury to many people in Poland.


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The decision by Germany's national vaccine committee to use the „swine flu" jab Celtura from Novartis, and not Focetria, is adding to confusion in the country over the mass vaccination campaign.

Switzerland is also to get Celtura and not Focetria.

Little is known about Celtura. The vaccine is to be made using a new cell culture method and contains the MF59(R) adjuvant, squalene, which has been linked to autoimmune diseases.

A pilot study run by the University of Leicester and Leicester Hospitals, involved 100 healthy volunteers, aged between 18 and 50.

The study was led by
Dr Iain Stephenson, who has reported financial links with Novartis in other studies.

The results of this pilot study were published in September in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Novartis issued a press release on Celtura.

The Novartis investor relations consultant listed for Celtura is Ruth Metzler-Arnold, a former Swiss Justice Minister, underlining the close links between pharma industry and government.

Novartis is packed with executives associated with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bilderbergs, including CEO Daniel Vassella and Ann Fudge.

Vassella also attended this years Bilderberg meeting with David Rockefeller where the former Swedish PM Carl Bildt is reported to have floated the idea of turning the WHO into a global health department.

The WHO/UN and Bilderberg founders, the Rockefellers, have gone on record saying that they believe a massive reduction of the population is desirable.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller steered through Senate Bill 666, which allocating tax funds to pharma companies for the development of bioweapons, into law in 2003.

Vaccines containing the squalene adjuvants MF59 and ASO3 are illegal in the USA

However, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act 0f 2006 may pave the way for the authorisation of the adjuvants ASO3 and MF59 for use in swine flu shots.

The US government is reported ot have stockpiled over 300 million doses of adjuvants.

A study funded by Novartis, published in Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, claims, "antisqualene antibodies are not increased by immunization with vaccines with the MF59 adjuvant. These data extend the safety profile of the MF59 emulsion adjuvant."

However, there is a significant body of scientific evidence that squalene was responsible for the autoimmune diseases, afflicting about 25 per cent of the veterans of Iraq with the Gulf War Syndrome, and a US federal judge prohibited the use of these vaccines in 2004.

Novartis had to withdraw ist Aflunov/Fluad H5N1 bird flu vaccine containg the MF59 squalene adjuvant in 2008 because it caused death and injury to many people in Poland.

Fears over the "Celtura" jab are heightened by the fact that the vaccine is to be approved by the national German and Swiss regulators – the Paul Ehrlich Institute and Swissmedic – highly secretive bodies that are linked with the pharmaceutical industry.

The other type of "swine flu" vaccine earmarked for Germany and Switzerland is Pandemrix, a mock up vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, which was approved in 2008, and which contains the squalene adjuvant ASO3 and is classified as a bioweapon by EU and US regulators.

There is no information on Celtura available from the Paul Ehrlich Institute or the EMEA.

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