Jane Bürgermeister sera le 26 septembre en conférence publique à Zurich, Volkshaus, 13:15, 16:00.
Elle présentera sa plainte pénale contre notamment l'entreprise Baxter et le WHO ainsi qu'une mise à jour à la situation actuelle en Suisse et dans le monde entier.
Les médias suisses sont sont invités et l'exposé sera filmé.
Seulement environ 100 places à FR 20. -
The talk starts at 13:15 and will last at least until 16:00
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Jane Bürgermeister wird am Samstag 26. September ihren ersten öffentlichen Auftritt in Zürich haben. Sie wird Ihre Anzeige gegen die Firma Baxter und die WHO sowie ein Update der gegenwärtigen Situation in der Schweiz und weltweit präsentieren. Die Schweizer Medien sind eingeladen und der Vortrag wird gefilmt. Es sind nur ca. 100 Plätze vorhanden. Eintritt Fr. 20.-
The talk starts at 13:15 and will last at least until 16:00
Jane Burgermeister will make her first public appearence in Zürich on Saturday the 26:th. She will make a presentation of her criminal charges against Baxter and WHO and present an update as to the present situation in the world and in Switzerland.
Swiss media will be invited and the talk will be filmed. There will be roughly 100 seats available and the fee is 20 CHF.
The talk starts at 13:15 and will last at least until 16:00. There will be a section for questions and for short interviews by the media.
Individuals interesting in financially supporting Jane Burgermeister and her work are welcome as the event also doubles as a fund raiser event.
Click the image below for the invitation:
In German:
Protection Freeone 2009-09-22 21:42:15 Please have pleanty of protection by persons you can trust. Also have protection to a secure place after the event and creating as many diversions as possible by changing dirrections and cars several times. You are very valuable and a Godsend to all of us. | |
Keep safe Dutchwill 2009-09-23 00:12:05 I second this comment. | |
She has no money Level Headed 2009-09-23 13:07:40 How can you be so cruel to say "protect yourself" and yet not offer her any resources? Unless you have connections, security costs money. | |
presidente of brotherhood international firefighte emilio galvez davila 2009-09-22 22:48:33 hello my name is emilio galvez i am web master of bomberos.com also ifirefighters.com i want to put more information abaut your information in my websites of firefighters please contact with me because i want to make a donation also i want to propagate your information to firefighters and paramedics of spain and latinoamerica also from english language in ifirefighters.com please contact with me and i will donate alittle money waiting yours replay sincerely yours emilio galvez president of international brotherhood firefighters paramedics association poet music theatre producer tecnology developer | |
The People Will Demand It Anonym 2009-09-23 06:11:54 Your well documented message will be loud and clear, spelling out the evil intentions of governments and corporations conspiring together to commit crimes against humanity. All those guilty of high crimes will be exposed, tried and condemmed. This will be the great "clean up" of our societies, to have these sick minded people put to public shame and interrogated. Some who have spent a lifetime towards this NWO work will be found guilty as charged. The people will demand it.
It is a public safety issue that these people be put away never to the slightest chance to threaten harm to others again. It is so. | |
Republic 2009-09-23 08:42:16
Jane - Why are you not compiling a gallery detailing the profiles of the senior execs of Baxter in the respective countries? I would like to know who these guys are? Baxter is a public company and people can buy one share in the company. Depending on the constituation of the company and the required number of shareholders support a strong lobby will be able to attend the annual general meeting and ask awkward questions? Also informing institutional investors who represent pension funds etc of how their invested money is being used. This could be very powerful!
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