mercredi 9 septembre 2009

The flu pandemic bill by the Massachusetts Senate

Massachusetts Senate Passes Draconian Flu Pandemic Bill


Kurt Nimmo
September 2, 2009

featured stories   Massachusetts Senate Passes Draconian Flu Pandemic Bill  
soylent green featured stories   Massachusetts Senate Passes Draconian Flu Pandemic Bill

The corporate media is ignoring S. 2028, the flu pandemic bill that was unanimously passed by the Massachusetts Senate. The draconian bill was covered extensively by the alternative news sites, but not a word from the New York Times or the Washington Post.

S. 2028 will be used as a template for legislation in other states. The bill imposes a virtual police state and martial law on Massachusetts at the behest of the governor in the event of a flu pandemic this autumn. It gives the state health commissioner, law enforcement, and medical personnel wide authority to mobilize forces, vaccinate the population, enter private property with no warrants, and even quarantine people against their will in violation of the Constitution. The bill allows the state to enter property without a search warrant and destroy the property without a court order. It would force in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination.

Law enforcement authorities are authorized to "arrest without warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order for isolation or quarantine and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order. Any person who knowingly violates an order for isolation or quarantine shall be punished by imprisonment of not more than 30 days and may be subject to a civil fine of not more than $1,000 per day that the violation continues."

Other states are in the process of implementing legal actions in response to the H1N1 virus hyped by the government and the corporate media. Florida has distributed blank quarantine order forms, including a voluntary home quarantine agreement, a quarantine to residence order, a quarantine to residence order (non-compliance), a quarantine to facility order, quarantine detention order, quarantine of facility order, building quarantine closure order and area quarantine closure order. North Carolina released a draft isolation order that would provide for imprisonment for up to two years and pretrial detention without bail for any citizen who fails to comply with an isolation order. Washington has granted authority to local health officers to issue emergency detention orders forcing citizens to be immediately and involuntarily isolated or quarantined for up to 10 days.

A form released by the state of Iowa for voluntary home confinement, home quarantine and home isolation recently made the rounds on the internet. "Rumors started swirling after a quarantine form was found by someone on the internet," KIMT 3 reported. "Health leaders in Iowa are reassuring people that there are no H1N1 related quarantines being ordered." The form calls quarantine of all individuals suspected of coming in contact with the virus.


Bob Dwyer of MassLPA discusses S. 2028.

S.2028 is now in Massachusetts House Ways and Means Committee. The Liberty Preservation Association of Massachusetts has vowed to kill the legislation before it can reach the House (see MassLPA video above). The organization plans to lobby lawmakers at the capital on Beacon Hill on September 9 and convince them not to vote for and pass the bill.

à faire circuler largement, merci, le monde est déjà meilleur grâce à ce simple geste de solidarité.

French resist...

French judges protest secret pandemic tyranny decrees   The union óf judges and lawyers in France has written a letter of protest to the French Justice Minister over plans to strip people of their civil liberties during the swine flu pandemic, which were made "in the greatest secrecy." According to...

red. Jacek Morawa
Rougemont QC, Canada

"Choose now what you would wish to have chosen at life's end."
br. Pierre Marchildon

by skilly

They ( those laws...) come from the Bilderberg group. A group of psychopaths, super greedy and
weak followers of the group.

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