dimanche 23 août 2009

40 Days for Life : 40 jours pour la Vie.

Imaginé par le catholique David Bereit (photo) ,

40 Days for Life
(site internet) est assurément la plus belle initiative chrétienne de prière pour la vie de ces trois dernières années aux États-Unis.

Les quatre précédentes campagnes (automne 2007, printemps 2008, automne 2008 et printemps 2009) ont mobilisé  1 800 paroisses catholiques et congrégations protestantes, soit plus de 200 000 personnes qui, se relayant pendant quarante jours, ont prié nuit et jour devant plus de 240 avortoirs de Planned Parenthood ou d'autres officines de mort, ou jeûné, car les démons qui poussent à l'avortement « ne se chassent que par le jeûne et la prière ». Les résultats sont importants : 1 561 vies (au moins) ont été sauvées, 18 employés d'avortoirs ont quitté à tout jamais cette honteuse industrie, 3 officines de mort ont fermé leurs portes…
La campagne de cet automne, la cinquième, commencera le 23 septembre pour s'achever le 1er novembre. L'impact des précédentes a été tellement fort, que la mobilisation militante est la plus forte jamais enregistrée et que la vigile ininterrompue pendant 40 jours sera assurée devant plus de 212 officines d'avortement (contre 177 à l'automne 2008) aux États-Unis et dans cinq provinces canadiennes – ce qui nous vaut de voir fugitivement des panonceaux en français lors de la précédente campagne au Québec sur le vidéo-diaporama ci-dessous.
Des vieux et des jeunes, des Blancs et des Noirs, des Hispaniques et des Asiatiques, des hommes et des femmes, des prêtres et des évêques, des religieuses et des pasteurs… Ils seront dans quelques semaines de dizaines de milliers à se relayer jour et nuit et pendant quarante jours pour prier et témoigner de l'Évangile de la Vie en ces jours où elle n'a jamais été autant attaquée aux États-Unis, en France et partout dans le monde.
Cette vigile américaine est aussi la nôtre, car elle s'adresse aussi à nous la Parole du Seigneur : « Je te propose la vie ou la mort, la bénédiction ou la malédiction. Choisis donc la vie, pour que toi et ta postérité vous viviez » (Dt, 30, 19).
C'est pourquoi je vous suggère de nous y associer, par exemple par la récitation d'une dizaine de chapelet chaque jour du 23 septembre au 1er novembre en union de prière avec nos frères de 40 Days for Life. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Merci de vous signaler à moi et de faire passer l'information…



Get ready for the largest, most widespread coordinated pro-life outreach ever! More than 200 cities in 45 American states, 5 Canadian provinces ... plus Denmark ... are poised to launch 40 Days for Life campaigns in their communities.

"There will be campaigns in at least 212 communites," said David Bereit, 40 Days for Life's national director. "Last fall's campaign was conducted in 177 cities. This shows that support for the pro-life message is spreading — and that 40 Days for Life continues to have a positive international impact."

The list of fall locations is now available. Please check it, see if your city is listed, and click on the city's link for additional information about your local 40 Days for Life campaign.

Please be sure to use the box at the upper right to receive updates about how you can get involved in this prayerful outreach. Facebook member? Check out the official 40 Days for Life group.


Fresno, California: Encouraging prayer via YouTube

Watch this video! You'll want to take part in this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign. Not near Fresno? No problem! With 212 campaigns, there's a good chance you'll find a location where you can join many others praying and fasting for an end to abortion.


Austin, Texas: Getting ready, reaching out to churches

 Elizabeth McClung of 40 Days for Life in Austin, Texas

The 40 Days for Life team in Austin, Texas is gearing up for the next campaign from September 23 – November 1.

Elizabeth McClung (left), the local 40 Days for Life coordinator in Austin, recently appeared on KLGO-FM to talk about the community's fall efforts.

She was joined by an Austin pastor whose church will be heavily involved in the fall campaign. Until this spring's 40 Days for Life campaign, he'd had no idea that an abortion facility was located near his church – and he had served at that church for 17 years!

Listen to part of the interview; find out how Elizabeth is working with area churches to encourage people to pray for an end to abortion:

Listen online (click arrow to start):

Download mp3 (right-click to save file to your computer):


What 40 Days for Life has witnessed (so far)

 40 Days for Life in Collegeville, Pennsylvania

There have now been four coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns. In the fall of 2007, the spring of 2008, the fall of 2008 and the spring of 2009, these efforts have mobilized people of faith and conscience in 240 cities across all 50 of the United States, five Canadian provinces, plus locations in Northern Ireland and Australia.

During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:

  • Over 200,000 have joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
  • More than 70,000 people have taken to the streets, forming peaceful 40-day prayer vigils outside of Planned Parenthood centers and abortion facilities
  • Reports document 1,561 lives that have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
  • Eighteen abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
  • Three abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
  • Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
  • More than 400 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast ... and overseas
  • Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery

After so many years of legalized abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!


40 Days for Life campaign wrap-up for spring 2009

The most recent coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign was conducted in 137 communities — 129 in the United States, five in Canada, two in Northern Ireland and one in Australia. In all, more than 41,000 people participated — and 433 lives were spared from abortion.

Here's a quick video summary of the campaign:



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