mardi 7 avril 2009

Special Washington Action Alert, April 23

Dear friends of the American Monetary Institute,

     This is an action alert! Please forward to your email list!
We have watched the same people who created the crisis brazenly grab more loot, even pretending that so called bonus "contracts" must be honored; until the public outcry shut them up. Now there's something you can do to end these injustices; to take  back control of our nation and our money system and start the rebuilding process on a solid and just foundation.

A special presentation of The American Monetary Act will be made on Capitol Hill, April 23, 2009 in Room 304 of the Cannon House Office Building.  Please ask your Congressmen to attend.

This presentation has been requested by a House member to explain the American Monetary Act to members of Congress and their staff.  It will describe what the Act does and exactly how it benefits each Congressional District. It will show that it contains the minimum reform actions needed, for monetary reform to work - to place time on the side of justice. THEY will understand that it is workable.

Your request for them to attend can be made by phone, or by letter. Modify the sample letter below to fit your style, or better yet, write a letter in your own words.  Its important to send the letter now, since the anthrax scare it takes extra time for letters to reach Congress.

Your Congressmen are on spring break until April 20th and so you can reach them at their home office right now. Stop by in person - It will have an effect! Print out and hand them a copy of the American Monetary Act (attached). At the very least phone and ask them to attend the April 23rd Cannon 304 presentation, and send a copy of your letter to their local office as well.
Thanks people for your attention.
Stephen Zarlenga
Director, Ami

NOTE: If you do not know your representative's addresses, you can find your Representatives at        Your Senators addresses are at:

    Here's a sample letter - modify it to fit your style. Remember this is a non partisan educational event - all political parties are welcome.

Dear Congressman/Senator:

     I am writing to ask you to attend a meeting in Room 304 of the Cannon House Office Building on Thursday, April 23, you can learn about the American Monetary Act - legislation prepared by The American Monetary Institute, which fundamentally reforms our private credit system, replacing it with a government money system.

     Under this Act, the Federal Reserve becomes incorporated into the U.S. Treasury. Banks would no longer have the privilege of creating our money supply. (Just look how they have abused it!)  The government will take back control of our money, and our nation.  Banks will continue to loan money, but will not create it. They must cease to dominate our government.

     The American Monetary Act nationalizes the money system, not the banking system. Banking is not a proper function of government, but providing the nation's money supply is a key function of government. This Act begins our national rebuilding process based on a solid and just foundation. 

     Stephen Zarlenga, Director of the Institute will be in room 304 the whole day to answer questions that arise, so whatever your schedule, you and your aides will have an opportunity to attend. In addition a formal presentation with several speakers will be made at a time to be determined. After hearing the presentation and if all your questions are answered satisfactorily, I hope you will become a co-sponsor when this Act is introduced as a bill.  Please mark April 23rd on your calendar now. 

     Go to the following links to learn more about monetary reform:



Avec mes meilleures salutations.
François de Siebenthal
14, ch. des Roches
CH 1010 Lausanne
Suisse, Switzerland

Jean-Paul II a notamment comparé le rapport sexuel chaste entre les époux chrétiens à l'adoration eucharistique. Marie est la Mère de Jésus, c'est l'épouse du St Esprit et c'est la fille de Dieu le Père. Pour St Amédée de Lausanne, l' union spirituelle du St Esprit lors de la fécondation de Marie, passe par sa chair et s'accomplit selon les mêmes principes que l'acte charnel : "Homélies", III : "Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te, ut attactu eius venter tuus contremiscat, uterus intumescat, gaudeat animus, floreat alvus".
Les catholiques ne sont pas coincés...
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