samedi 28 février 2009

US Corruption... Disgraced Seniors CIA Officials Head to Prison. DEA will follow...

 Duke Cunningham: Sentenced to eight years and four months. Forfeit $1.85 million, pay another $1.8 million in back taxes, and give up interest in his illegally funded Rancho Santa Fe home.
 Thomas Kontogiannis, who served as a money launderer for Cunningham and the contractors who bribed him: Eight years and one month in prison and a $1.05 million fine.
 Kyle "Dusty" Dustin Foggo: Three years and one month in prison; two years of supervision following his release from custody.
 Mitchell Wade, founder of the defense firm MZM Inc. and responsible for the lion's share of the bribes Cunningham admitted receiving. Wade was the primary cooperator with the government and had his sentence reduced accordingly. Two and a half years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
 John T. Michael, Kontogiannis' nephew and the person who actually handled the money laundering under instructions from his uncle: Five years probation and a $100,000 fine.
 Robert Fromm, an Army contract official who went to work at MZM and influenced former subordinates to help MZM get and keep contracts through favorable reviews: One year of probation and fined $2,500.
 Richard Berglund, an MZM employee who made illegal political contributions at the direction of Wade: One year of probation and fined $2,500.
 Brent Wilkes, a defense contractor and boyhood friend of Foggo who fought the charges in court and was found guilty of 13 charges, including bribing a public official. His case is now under appeal: Sentenced to 12 years in jail followed by three years of supervision following his release. Ordered to pay $636,116 in forfeiture and $501,300 in fines.

This story can be found on the web at the following address:

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