samedi 31 janvier 2009

Concrete figures of dividends for USA ? How to compute now or much per month this year and every other year for the next 25 years?

Dear friends of social credit,

Some people  would like to have an estimate of what the dividend would be/could be for the United States or any other country. Do you think you could give me some numbers, and your estimate of how you got them? I'm not sure if it is too important to have this information... but they are really set on it and if it gets the 10 Lessons spread more, than I'm in favor of the idea. Thanks so much for your help.

What could be the full production of USA if all human and robots energies are free for the good ? Then, this will be the consumption divided among all citizen, including all persons. What portion could be the dividend now and then ?
God bless to give the good answer !



Avec mes meilleures salutations.

François de Siebenthal

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