jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Open and alternative currency. WIR Book available in English. 75 years anniversary.

WIR Book available in English

Thomas H. Greco with Prof. Tobias Studer in Basel, Switzerland in May 2005.

The Swiss WIR Bank is the best example we have of a successful large-scale mutual credit clearing system that has stood the test of time and continues to thrive. Up until now, very little information about its history and operations was available in English. That situation has now taken a significant turn.

Prof. Studer's book about the Swiss WIR Bank is now available in English. This excellent translation by Prof. Philip Beard of Sonoma State University, is a "must read" for any student of money, banking, complementary currency, or exchange alternatives. – T. H. Greco

WIR and the Swiss National Economy
by Prof. Tobias Studer
Department of Economics
University of Basel, Switzerland
Basel, 1998
Published by the WIR Bank, Basel

Title of German original: "WIR in unserer Volkswirtschaft"

English Translation: Philip H. Beard, Ph.D., Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, California 94928
© 2006

The $3 download can be accessed/ordered at, specifically,; a printed copy can be ordered at for the price of $15.00.

posted by tomazg at 8:15 PM


Avec mes meilleures salutations.

François de Siebenthal
Krach ? Solutions...
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