mercredi 17 septembre 2008

Swiss Newspaper covers Anti-RFID Campaign

Swiss Newspaper covers Anti-RFID Campaign and mentions Ron Paul's CFL

Some of you may know the tireless work of Roger aka 'swisstiger', the guy from Switzerland running the bilingual german/english site Ron Paul Europe Network - . He had recently to reduce his commitment for this online project due to a new threat to liberty in his country: the introduction of a new passport with RFID - chip and biometric fingerprint by the Swiss federal government.

A bill introduced by the governing coalition parties to comply with the 'Schengen Agreement' to remove all frontier controls and permit free movement of persons between the European Community and non EU-Member Switzerland got a majority in both chambers of Swiss parliament.

This bill exceeds by far the requirements of the 'Schengen Agreement' and implicates the strictest law worldwide by forcing the whole Swiss population to deliver their biometric data (fingerprints and biometric foto) to their government. Yet the Swiss constitution provides for a unique instrument for the people to block and bypass unpopular legislation: a referendum by the people.

With other freedom-loving Swiss Roger started the 'Freiheitskampagne' to popularize the idea of a referendum to overrule parliament's decision. "Freiheitskampagne", which means Freedom Campaign, found instant support among a wide range of the political spectrum. Starting from right wing patriots to conservative groups, politicians from left and right wing parties to the national Green party, socialist and even communist groups, but also Human rights groups. Currently their work is in full progress to get the quorum of 50.000 signatures necessary to file for a referendum and, after the first month, they are on a good way to reach this goal.

Though yet a one-issue campaign at this stage "Freiheitskampagne" shows true Paulistic spirit by using the Internet to build up a grass-root campaign embracing freedom-minded people with different political backgrounds. And what's great: Despite a media blackout in the Swiss Media "Freiheitskampagne" finally got a fair press coverage by one of Switzerland's leading newspapers the "Basler Zeitung" and also managed to get Ron Paul's CFL mentioned in this article as a model of this initiative. http://freiheitskampagne....

For those who have not the ambition to translate a Swiss-German news-paper article, here a translation of the passage mentioning Ron Paul's CFL.

"Serving as a model for the 'Kampagne' is the 'Campaign for Liberty' of former republican candidate for US-presidency, Ron Paul. The maverick managed to mobilize his supporters also via the Internet – collecting six million in donations on a single day"

So much for anyone who doubts the world-wide implications of the rEVOLution !

Do you know any Swiss citizens? Send them this link:

(featuring the late Aaron Russo) and send it also to all german speaking people you know – the site is full of valuable information about the danger of RFID technology.

(Thanks to Roger for some clarifications done on the original draft of this thread)

"Freedom is Popular" (Ron Paul)

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La femme est, comme toujours, l'avenir de l'homme, et réciproquement.
Si qua fata sinant...:-) et

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