lundi 15 septembre 2008

LOST or killed ?...Reward of 2 Lakhs for any information leading to the finding of Jean-Baptiste Talleu lost in India. Please, forward largely. Thank you

Please, help asap. URGENT.

Thank you for the attention you'll put on this appeal.
It is up to everyone to continue this chain of hope...

thanks to Internet and your address books.


The Ministry of Justice established an International Rogatory Commission last May.
The goal of the Commission is to travel to India in order to carry out an investigation. To do it the Commission
needs to obtain the agreement of Indian authorities. The agreement has not been issued yet.
With a view to showing the interest of French authorities in this investigation to Indian authorities we have been advised
to launch a petition that will be submited to Indian authorities as soon as possible.
We would appreciate that you participate in the petition and that you invite all your friends and family.
This simple gesture will mean a lot with regards to accelerate the operation of research of Jean-Baptiste.

Click here to sign the petition online:

You can also download a pdf version of the petition:

First anniversary of Jean-Baptiste's departure: new media response

Following the appearance of the information on the anniversary of Jean-Baptiste's departure (cf under "18 juillet 2008")
(cf link to this "Missing Person Poster") on the bike trip around the world two media contacted Talleu family
and continued to broadcast the information sur les ondes radiophoniques et dans la Presse.
A TV broadcast is being prepared.

- Bleue Sud Lorraine radio: Saturday, 19 July, a journalist carried out an interview with Marie-Claire Talleu,
the mother of Jean-Baptiste, and Elisabeth Schlosser de Ruffray, treasurer of the AJB association (
cf link). He mentioned the up to date investigation progress that followed complaint
against X for abduction lodged by the parents of Jean-Baptiste. He presented the
 AJB association set up recently (JO du 31/05/08) (cf link).
This interview was broadcasted on the Radio Bleue Sud Lorraine, as well as on France Info on Monday, 21 July.
- Christian family: thanks to the France Info's broadcast, a listener contacted a journalist of this newspaper. T
he journalist contacted the Talleu family. An article was published in it, in the saturday 2nd of august edition.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

18th of July: First anniversary of Jean-Baptiste's departure from France

One year ago, on the 18th of July 2007, enthusiastically, Jean-Baptiste was mounting
his bicycle for a trip around the world he'd been dreaming for 2 years.
After giving regular update on his trip which
he was finding physically easy and packed with discoveries, the silence was established from the 5th of December 2008.
This Silence is worrying his family and his friends.
No sign of life, not any leads of of Jean-Baptiste, nowhere.

"We are afraid that everybody would forget, that years would come by and that we would stay
 alone with our pain and our incertitude.
Waiting is unbearable. The French police has to go there, the judge sent an
International Rogatory Commission, but the Indian authorities are yet to give their go ahead."
Are saying his parents on this anniversary date.

Thank you for the attention you'll put on this appeal.
It is up to everyone to continue this chain of hope...

thanks to Internet and your address books.

Dr Catherine de Korwin,
President of the association AJB.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Media related Campains

Many media contacts allowed us to make Jean-Baptiste's disappearance well known and to increase public awareness:
WRITTEN PRESS: (in France)
- Le Républicain Lorrain 12.3.08 : Routard nancéien disparu en Inde : une inquiétante disparition
- L'Est Républicain 12.3.08 : Un Lorrain porté disparu en Inde
- Le Figaro 12.3.08 : Un cyclotouriste français porté disparu à BOMBAY
- Aujourd'hui en France 14.3.08 : La trace du cyclotouriste français se perd en Inde
- France dimanche 28.3.08 : Jean Baptiste disparu à vélo
- L'Est Républicain 29.4.08 : Disparition en Inde : un juge d'instruction nommé à Nancy
- Nice Matin : 31.5.08 : Parti de La Colle, disparu en Inde
- 23/06/08 : Nancy : audition des parents du jeune français disparu en Inde.
NEWSCASTS : - 11th may : France 2 : 20h15
- 23rd y : France 3 : 19h
- May : La six : le 6'
Emission TV
: 24 mai France 2 : FAITS DIVERS : le Mag. (émission de 10 mn).
Emissions RADIO: - RTL 11.3.08
- SUD RADIO 14.3.08

Numbers of articles in the Indian press:
Mumbai mirror, The Times of India, DNA Mumbai, Star news, etc…

Creation of the association "Alerte Disparition de Jean-Baptiste Talleu" (AJB)

The association AJB was created by friends of Jean-Baptiste to support his family and help find him.

Published in the JO, the 31st of may 2008, with the n°1234.
PURPOSES: -Collect funds to help the family in the research of Jean Baptiste TALLEU;
-Increase public, officials, and administration's awareness of the case, to help find Jean Baptiste TALLEU;
-Increase awareness of the risks taken when travelling in foreign countries;
-Gather other families having a relative missing in India;
FIRST ACTIONS : Gather funds for:
-Financing the first wave of information;
-Financing the trip of Marie-Claire, his mother, and Vincent, his brother, and Patricia, his brother's partner.
This trip, very fruitful, was made possible from 1st may to 12th may.
ACTION IN JULY : -Information campaign around the first anniversary of Jean-Baptiste's departure, on the 18th of july 2007.
-Sensitize all the Christians of France.
-After the go-ahead of the Indian authorities, departure of a French team of policemen in Mumbai, after the sending in
India of the International Rogatory Commission by the judge on the 16th may 2008. Still no news at the moment.
-Finance a long term trip for Marie-Claire in India. Her departure is planned in september or Ocotber; everything depending
 on the results of the Internation Rogatory Commission.
-Support the media-related campaigns in France as well as in India for Jean-Baptiste not to fall into oblivion.

Thursday, 29 May 2008


From 2nd to 13th of may, the family of Jean-Baptiste met the local authorities in Mumbai and held a press conference.
They also announced a reward of 2 Lakhs for any information leading to the finding of Jean-Baptiste Talleu.
10 000 Posters were printed. See Missing posters, flyers

The posting and distribution of these posters is in progress, but we still need help to spread the posters throughout the all of India.

On the 23rd of may, hearing with the juge in charge of the case: sum up of the trop in India.
An Internation rogatory commission was delivered on the 16th of May.

We are waiting for the agreement of the Indian authorities to send a brigade.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Press conference in Mumbai

Jean-Baptiste Talleu's Family is giving a press conference in Mumbai on Friday 09th of May at 11.30am.
They will announce that a Reward of 2 Lakhs is offered for information leading to the finding of Jean-Baptiste Talleu.
They will also appeal to all the people of India to help them in the finding of Jean-Baptiste.

The press conference:
Alliance Francaise (French Alliance)
Theosophy Hall
40 New Marine Lines
at 11.30 in the morning of the 09th of May.

To contact Jean-Baptiste's mother (Marie-Claire) or his brother (Vincent), call this number:
  • 9819875945 from Mumbai
  • 09819875945 from anywhere in India
  • 009109819875945 from anywhere in the world

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